It's been a few years in the making but the new site is finally finished. When I took a break from touring in January 2015, I wasn't sure what the next step was going to be. Was this break temporary or was it something larger, more definite? While I'm still not sure I have the final answer to that question, I do know that while I transitioned mentally and emotionally, this site transitioned with me. It has changed forms about as many times as I've changed my mind about what I'm doing or who I think I am. What putting together this site has done for me is familiarize and legitimize a creative outlet that up until now was only a hobby, something I did alongside other things. When I began to really look at what I have made over the years, I had a scary realization that maybe it wasn't just a hobby. Maybe I was more serious and passionate about photography than I could even admit to myself. And maybe I'd have to share that with the world.
So here it is. This website isn't finished, as I am certainly not finished taking photographs. Some of these galleries will evolve and other stories are going to emerge. I am really looking forward to adding to these collections and committing more to sharing my process. I hope you enjoy these photos as much I as I enjoy taking them. My live music and behind-the-scenes photographs are works-in-progress at the moment. I am working on those diligently. Thank you for stopping by!